Landlord reviews for

Kingsley Rees in Cardiff / Caerdydd

Average Landlord Rating: 3
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Kingsley Rees, Cardiff / Caerdydd

Reviewed 7 December 2022
Our landlord was generally very aloof, sending the occasional workman to fix a problem, but always the cheapest person he could find, who would inevitably do a worse job than we could've. Once the apartment above us had a leak and he sent someone to literally paint over the damp, and not even in the same colour! When we moved out we filled and sanded any holes and repainted, but he still tried to sting us with a big redecoration bill, and said we owed rent arrears despite us rejecting his bid to raise the price - when we cancelled our official dispute over the matter because we were leaving, he immediately claimed he was owed the increase.
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